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  • Akanksha Kumar

A Simple Week (9/21/2020)

This past week in ISM we just continued to work on things we already had been doing. I was struggling a little bit on the assigned Research Assessment because I got a low grade and didn't know what I had done wrong. After talking to Coach Goff, I realized that I had to do a better job at synthesizing information and not just stating what I learned. So for my third Research Assessment, I formatted it a little bit more like a persuasive essay by adding my personal opinions, critiques, and solutions at the end. I  had researched the effect of using Artificial Intelligence machinery in a courtroom and didn’t agree with it. The article was written in 2019 and published by a Harvard journal, so I knew the information was unbiased and reliable. Because of this, I was able to create my own opinion about the use of Artificial Intelligence in a courtroom. I found this topic interesting so I am considering incorporating it into my Original Work proposal, which is coming up in the next two weeks. Another thing we did this week was peer edit people’s resumes. I actually enjoyed doing that because it gave me some inspiration on how to add onto mine. I thought my final draft of my resume was already good, but I got a lot of feedback on ways to fix it, which I was glad about. Having individual meetings with Coach Goff was also helpful because she gave me small tips that really made my resume come together. The combination of creating our interview questions, getting out professional attire approved, and now, finalizing our resumes is all leading up to contacting potential mentors, something I am really looking forward to in the upcoming weeks. 

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