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  • Akanksha Kumar

Rapidly Working (4/12/2021)

This past week, all I did was basically start my finalizations for the project. Up till now, I had been doing a lot of research on how to prosecute the case and how to prove it was a criminal, not civil matter. I met with my mentor last week, and she approved my first witness’s questions after providing me some improvements. I was also able to finalize my second witnesses’ questions, and start researching opening and closing statements. Those I know will take quite a bit of time, so I have been viewing a lot of those on Youtube to look at examples, especially because I haven't decided on a general theme to keep up in my opening and closing statements. My mentor visit last week was also interesting when we weren’t discussing my final proudyc, especially because I hadn’t seen my mentor in quite some time since her schedule had been busy. She told me how she had been called to a crime scene, which ended up being the allen murder-suicide case that had been highly publicized on news and media. There ended up being nothing for the state to do though, because the suspects were dead. I hope to meet with her again this upcoming week so we can discuss case law application on my product.

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