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  • Akanksha Kumar

An Easy Week(10/26/2020)

This past week in ISM was a relatively easy week, since I just continued working on things from the previous week. I set up and conducted an interview with a prosecutor, Adam Rose, who was new in the field, and I appreciated getting his perspective on the job, since I didn’t have much information on what it was like being a new prosecutor. We were able to discuss a lot of varying information. He gave me valuable advice for law school and working hard, and one thing that really stood out to me was how he said minoring in theatre was the best thing that helped develop his skill set for being a lawyer, as it gave him public speaking and presentation skills. Another thing we discussed was my original work project, which is a mock trial case that I will be creating a plan of prosecution for. He explained to me that I need to use my direct questioning to tell a story, while only focusing on two to three points for my cross questioning. He added on saying that I need to keep a theme throughout my closing statement. This advice was able to give me a rough outline of what I need to focus on.  Because of this conversation, I decided to finally officially start learning the materials of my case. On Thursday and Friday, I managed to cram in about 3 hours of work. I started by reading four or five  of the witness statements and addendums, and then read and annotated the rules of evidence. These two things were quite time-consuming, as I had to read carefully and make sure I was actually absorbing the information given. Next week, I plan to start drafting up questions, and also creating my official document which will eventually contain the background of the case and evidence, along with witness statements and opening and closing speeches. 

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