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  • Akanksha Kumar

First Interview! (10/5/2020)

This past week I got to conduct an interview for the first time. Coach Goff gave me two contacts, and I reached out to both. The one I had an interview with was a law student. I adjusted my interview questions accordingly. Though I was nervous, I think I did well and was able to walk away with valuable information. He was able to give me a lot of information on law school and college that I wasn’t able to simply find on the internet. I asked him to look at my website and resume, and he said everything already looked well established and it was good I was using action words. I am glad I got that interview over with since now I feel much more prepared for the upcoming Business Symposium, where I will be interviewing three professionals. What I also did this past week was finally decide my Original Work Project. It took a lot of research and talking with Coach Goff, but I decided my best idea would be to take case materials from the Texas Mock Trial Organization, and come up with a plan for prosecution. I wrote up my proposal, and already contacted the organization asking for permission to use it. I am actually really excited about this because this is a brand new Mock Trial case, and technically since it’s not real and is just made up, no one else has prosecuted or defended this case. I will be starting from scratch, since all I have is witness statements and some potential evidence photos. Overall, I feel like I had an extremely productive week, and am eagerly awaiting the upcoming Business Symposium. 


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