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  • Akanksha Kumar

Second Visit (1/25/2021)

This past week was a short and easy one. I had a mentor meeting with my Mentor Ms. Gillman, where we discussed specific ideas about what to do for my Final Product Project. She agreed that taking an old case and creating a plan of prosecution was a good idea to showcase my skills and learning, and was also a good demonstration of exemplifying higher thinking skills as students once they graduate law school. I expl;ained to her how I wanted to do a business related case. She had originally suggested a shooting murder case to me, but since my previous project, the orignal work was a murder case, we both agreed a business related case would be easier. SHe told me the correct terminology was a hwite collar criminal case, so I started doing research on those. We also discussed interesting topics like parole, minimum sentences, and even programs that help people get off their crimes on probation rather than actual prison time. I am very interested in these reform programs, and plan on doing addition; research into them. Additionally, I was able to write and submit my Final Product proposal draft, and in the upcoming week I will look over it with my mentor and add whatever edits necessary.


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