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  • Akanksha Kumar

Interviewing Lawyers (10/19/2020)

This past week, I had two professional interviews. They were with professionals that I had found and reached out to. The first interview was on Tuesday October 13th, which was with Collin County’s First Assistant District Attorney. He was someone who had been in the prosecution field for many years, so he was able to answer my wide variety of questions. He explained how most lawyers out of law school look for jobs at the DA’s office because it gives them a lot of trial experience. He also told me it’s the DA’s office is a nice place to work if you don’t want a regular desk job, which really spoke to me. Overall, I appreciated the learning experience I got from speaking to him, as it gave me a lot of insight into criminal law from a prosecutor's perspective, which is exactly what I was looking for. My second interview was on Thursday, October 15th, with Nikki Akhaveissy, who is civil lawyer. She works for a nonprofit called Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas where she represents clients who can’t afford civil lawyers. She represents survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault, and since I didn’t know what much about the civil aspect of those cases, I was extremely interested, especially because representing these survivors is also a reason I want to become a lawyer. I asked her a lot about how she prepares traumatized victims for the stand, and learned about what expert witness testimony is. Overall, even though my second interview wasn’t a prosecutor, I still know I learned valuable information. I am eager to get to interview a few more professionals in upcoming weeks before choosing a mentor.

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