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  • Akanksha Kumar

Learning Basic Professional Skills (9/14/2020)

This week was a long week for me in not only ISM but all my classes, so I was really struggling to get all my work done on time, but thankfully I managed. We went over several things this week, including how to write effective resumes. I learned that resumes need to be short and concise, and don’t need excessive padding or fluff. The activity page with all the links was really helpful because several links gave information specifically geared toward writing resumes for teenagers. I wrote my own rough draft, but wasn’t completely sure how to fill it up because I didn’t feel like I had much experience relating to law, but that’s what ISM is supposed to help me with. The reason we are building resumes is because we are going to start reaching out to professionals soon in our fields of interest. We learned how to reach out to professionals via Linkedin by sending them a short message that explains why we are connecting with them. In the upcoming week, I plan to draft a short message to send to several prosecution attorneys I found in the DFW area on Linkedin, in the hopes that at least a few of them will be willing to get interviewed for my research. Another thing I did this past week was learn about the do’s and don’t of professional clothing, and then put on a mini “fashion show” video to send Coach Goff so she could approve my professional clothing choice. I am excited for the upcoming week where I can wear my clothing and use my written interview questions to actually interview a professional. I also have my original work proposal coming up soon, so I am thinking about what to do for that. 


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