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  • Akanksha Kumar

Meeting Professionals (10/12/2020)

This past week we had our ISM Business Symposium. I got to meet with three different professionals, and even though only one of them was a lawyer, I was able to learn quite a bit from all three of them. The first person I met with was a tax attorney who explained how law school works in terms of how lawyers choose which specific field of law to go into. She also told me to keep my options open and maybe even look into legislation fields if I wanted to make a difference in the way the system handles cases. The second person I met with was an activities director. She told  me about how she had worked three vastly different jobs with no prior experience, but succeeded at all three because she was open to learning new things. She gave me a plethora of good professional and life advice about keeping an open mind and being willing to understand people. The third and final person I met with was a director at UnitedHealth Group, and he explained how he worked right in between the business professionals and lawyers, as his job was learning about all the new laws the government writes and advising policy makers to make sure those laws weren;t being broken. We also discussed how much politics play a part in the justice system to a point where simple conversations aren’t able to happen due to fighting and assumptions.  He also gave me good ideas and advice to how I can continue my fight for social justice in other career fields based on the way I lead. Overall, I greatly enjoyed speaking to these professionals as they had interesting perspectives. In the upcoming week, I have two research interviews scheduled which I am eagerly anticipating. 


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