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  • Akanksha Kumar

One of the Slower Weeks (11/16/2020)

This past week in ISM, unfortunately I don’t think I was as productive as I should have been, due to other issues going on with school. I did work a while on my Original Work project, I mostly did research on how to write and present an opening statement. I know I have to really spend time on the opening and closing because they are arguably the most important parts of an argument. It took me a while, but I think I wrote a pretty good rough draft outline. Additionally, I also did a research assessment, which is something I haven’t done in quite a long time because I have had so many interviews. I had a lot of topics I could research about, but since I was struggling on it, I researched the importance of opening and closing statements, along with how to create an effective one. I used a short, but effective article I found from the Clark County Law foundation, because even though I had found much longer articles, this one seemed the best because of where it was sourced from. I was able to learn quite a bit, and I think I will be able to create very effective openings and closings now. Next week, I plan on choosing a mentor and continuing with the process of my project.


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