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  • Akanksha Kumar

Starting the Final Draft (11/30/2020)

This past week, I made a significant amount of headway on my original work project. I finally finished my final copy of my most important witness for the trial, which was reliving because I know what I have to do now for the other witnesses. Additionally, I decided to do a lot of research on cross examinations, so I could see how to create the most effective kinds. The research and assessment I did on that helped, so I also started my final copy of the cross examinations. I need these to be very effective so they can cast doubt on the opposing side in order to strengthen my story or argument. I also drafted an email to send to my mentor choice, which I am eager to send because the most exciting aspect of ISM for me is the chance to be able to shadow mentors. This upcoming week, I am hoping to finish my opening and closing statements so I can start putting the entire case together and add formatting to make it look nice and professional. I am glad that I am done with my research for my original work, so now I can just work and continue to add finishing touches.


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