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  • Akanksha Kumar

The Start of My ISM Journey (9/5/2020)

Ever since I went to an ISM showcase in eighth grade, I have been excited to take this class. So far, it hasn’t disappointed. One of our first assignments was our introduction speeches. At first I had no idea what to write my speech about, but once I started typing, my ideas flowed freely. I really enjoyed hearing everyone’s speeches, as it gave me insight into my classmates’ passions and lives. Additionally, it felt quite rewarding and successful to hear people compliment my speech. One thing I also appreciate about this class is how much freedom we have for our assignments. For example, for our first major grade, we did something called a research assessment. Coach Goff’s only requirement was a 500 word body, and the formatting of the document. We were able to research whatever we wanted to research about our chosen career or field of study. I have chosen to study prosecution law, and my specific research assessment was based on how prosecutors decide whether to charge a case or not. I learned a lot from reading an article I found called “How the Prosecutor Decides Which Cases to Charge” by Paul Bergman, a UCLA Law School professor, but I was also left with some questions regarding how and why past criminal records are a factor that come into play when deciding if a case should be charged or not. To gain more insight, I’m looking forward to discussing with a potential mentor, which we have even written up interview questions for.  A challenge I have faced the past few weeks is making time for the workload of this class. Online school has been a serious adjustment along with the course load of junior year. But overall, I have managed relatively well  because doing the work for this class seems rewarding since I’m able to do and research what interests me. 


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